Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Lying Lester Blog Is Still Closed

Seems that a number of people are upset that this blog exists, which is why I thought I needed to clarify that this blog is and remains closed. The blogger Octopus was simply chagrined, but the blogger Ed Degorio is much angrier.

Fact is, Ed is "pissed off as hell" and says "this is war". Now, given that Ed is a sock puppet of mine, I am surely confused regarding how I can be at war with myself.

But Lying Lester is a coward who does not desire war with anyone. Not Octo and not myself (or "Ed"). I am therefore begging "Ed" for mercy. Please do not go to war with me, "Ed", I beg you! I already closed LLIN at Octo's request - so why are you so pissed off in regards to a blog that is closed?

I don't know, but there must be something I can do to make things right? Let me know "Ed", and if I can comply, I will. Lying Lester does not want war.

Byline: This 24th and absolutely last LLIN commentary was authored by Lord Lying Lester: Man of Reason (AKA Lester Nation). Purveyor of writing posts about shutting down this blog. LLIN-024.


  1. "I don't know, but there must be something I can do to make things right? Let me know "Ed", and if I can comply, I will. Lying Lester does not want war."

    You should have thought of that before you wrote this dumb-assed post............Pond Scum!

  2. Come on, Ed! I just added you to my Google+ circles, and created a new category in which to place you... I called it "Extremely Close Friends". I was hoping that you would add me back.


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