Tuesday, May 3, 2016

76 Bitches Be Lying About Getting "Raped"

It's a fact that, according to feminists it doesn't matter how many times that a woman says, "yes, yes, more, more", tirelessly pursues her supposed abuser (substantiated by a "paper trail"), or even lies her ass off about the event, the "victim" must never be doubted or even questioned as consent can be withdrawn whenever a woman Wants, even AFTER a consensual act has taken place.

Specifically I'm referring to Canada feminists who've been critical of the Ghomeshi verdict. This was a case where Canadian radio host Jian Ghomeshi was (in late 2014) arrested and charged with four counts of sexual assault, and one count of overcoming resistance by choking, in relation to three complainants. Although 16 people actually accused him (including one man who said Ghomeshi grabbed his nuts).

Kinda reminds me of all the women who are lying about (my hero) Bill Cosby "raping" them. Bill Cosby is a successful Black man who realizes Blacks are to blame for their own poor predicaments and not "racism". Mr. Cosby tried to administer some tough love to the black community just a few years ago. They responded by calling him an Uncle Tom and senile. Yes Houston, we definitely have a problem.

The current Cosby problem is that 60 women have accused him of "rape". And, according to the feminist bitch lawyer Gloria Allred, "I can assure Mr. Cosby that there are still more victims who will be courageous enough to come forward in the future".

"Victims"? While it's easy for me to believe that 60 (maybe it's more by now) women could all be lying, I also have to confess here that when that legendary publicity-monger, Janice Dickinson (maybe the ugliest and stupidest supermodel ever), jumped into the fray and claimed that she, too, was raped by Mr. Cosby, a LOT of doubt creeped in. Now, I'm thinking this could definitely be a bum's rush. And yes, I said "possibly" before, but cases like Ghomeshi (16 lying accusers) caused me to rethink my previous comments.

BTW, that "paper trail" consists of one "complainant who had previously testified to having no contact with Ghomeshi after the alleged assaults [but who was then] confronted with two emails she had written to Ghomeshi more than a year afterwards, one included a picture of her in bikini [which] she described... as bait to get him to explain why he attacked her". Sure.

There is, however, the fact that Ghomeshi's own employer [CBC] investigated and issued a report that stated he "consistently breached the behavioural standard... of CBC by yelling at, belittling and humiliating others [and engaged in] "sexualized conduct and comments... in the workplace". But the "investigation was led by Janice Rubin, a prominent lawyer and leading authority on workplace harassment". So, another lying bitch, in other words?

Now Cosby is apparently going to trial? I sure hope he catches a break (like Ghomeshi) and the witnesses against him screw up and the charges are thrown out. Because bitches ganging up to attack innocent men has become an epidemic, IMO. Hopefully the patriarchy will display a backbone for once and put a screaming halt to this bullshit (and, yes, by bullshit I'm referring to hard-core indoctrination in which radical Marxist feminist orthodoxy is the unquestioned cynosure).

Men need to lay down the law because women's demands (to not be raped) are really getting out of hand, IMO. Fucking lying sluts.

Byline: This commentary was authored by Willis "I Love Strawmen" Hart. Purveyor of defending rapers who are falsely accused. LLIN-235.

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