Thursday, March 27, 2014

Welcome to Lying Lester's Irrational Nation

Greetings parasites (as most of you most assuredly are), my name is Lester Nation, but you can call me Lying Lester. If you like reading the idiotic and hypocritical ramblings of a devoted Ayn Rand worshiper, this is the blog for you.

Undoubtedly most of you who stumble upon this blog are worthless Takers, and may be offended by the stark truths I plan to reveal here. That is of no consequence to me, as you are nought but lice in the eyes of the great philosopher. So you can move on.

If, however, you are an enlightened individual who recognizes that greed and rational self interest are indeed virtues, then I suggest you stick around, as the proprietor of this blog is a deluded fool who believes just that.

OK, so that about does it for this introductory posting, although, for the record I should note that this is NOT a parody blog. It is possible, however, that I might be lying about that. You'll have to use your best judgement and decide for yourself.

For now... toodles.

Byline: This 1st LLIN commentary was authored by Lord Lying Lester: Man of Reason (AKA Lester Nation). Purveyor of Untruth. LLIN-001.


  1. LMAO! You've really out done yourself this time. Keep em coming Dervo, keep em coming. You're a gas dude.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. got a positive endorsement from the should be honored.

  4. I, Lying Lester am the bigger a-hole. Hope that clears that up, Ed. Also, Rusty, I don't know what "FCFB" is. As for the first commenter, who is me commenting using my other ID... I accept my self-congratulations. I must admit, however, I do not know who or what a "Dervo" is. Hopefully these questions can be cleared up with some answers from Rusty as well as the other me.

  5. Restoring Comments deleted by Ed Degorio #1

    Ed Degorio [March 27, 2014 at 4:33 PM]

    Can't figure out who is the bigger a- hole, I'd call it a tie .
