Saturday, October 3, 2015

Am I, Willis Hart, Water Tower Material?

Sometimes I think I might end up ascending a water tower and killing a bunch of folks with my high powered rifle (which has a laser scope). Why? Because of the fact that the classical view of justice (rendering to him what belongs to him) has since been supplanted by one of compulsory transfers and ever increasing state power.

This ugly state of affairs brought to us thanks to a greedy and jealous mindset. A mindset which today is exemplified by those calling themselves "Progressives" (people who really don't have much that could be considered a "mind"). Is this progress? Really?

I say no. Without private property, which the Progressives are attempting to abolish, there is no economy; just a bunch of central-planners (if you're lucky, ruthless dictators if you're not) haphazardly moving resources back and forth.

This is why I hate Progressive SO MUCH and frequently think that killing a bunch of them might make me feel better. Of course, then I'd go to prison, which is the ONLY thing that is stopping me from mass-murdering as many of these cocksuckers as I possibly can.

Sure, it is true that in the United States that "there is no dispute that income inequality has been on the rise in the United States for the past four decades [and] that share of total income earned by the top 1 percent of families was less than 10 percent in the late 1970s but now exceeds 20 percent as of the end of 2012".

And, it may also be true that, starting in the 1980's with the election of Ronald Reagan, most wealth in the US has flowed to the top. According to London School of Economics economists Emmanuel Saez and Gabriel Zucman, individuals who have dedicated their careers to compiling and analyzing wealth and income data, "the share of total household wealth owned by the top 0.1 percent increased to 22 percent in 2012 from 7 percent in the late 1970s".

The research of these economists says that as of 2012 the "top 0.1 percent includes 160,000 families with total net assets of more than $20 million". Is this right that so much of the wealth of our nation should be concentrated in so few hands? (Note: research cited via a 10/31/2014 Fortune Magazine article titled "Wealth inequality in America: It's worse than you think" by Chris Matthews).

The Progressive answer to this question is NO. And, not only is it unfair, the Progressives think that government (the institution representing We The People) should do something about it. And their ideas always involve the Communist idea of "redistribution".

Obviously Libertarians such as myself disagree (and disagree strongly) that stealing from the Makers who take the initiative to create this wealth is the answer. Sure, they do it by exploiting workers, stealing from these people the fruits of their labor. But that's the way capitalism workers, you brain-diseased morons! Wealth is SUPPOSED to flow to those at the top, as those are the people most deserving of it, for christ!

If you're at the bottom of the economic pile due to your own bad life choices (and refusal to do a damn thing to improve your own human capital) you DESERVE to be crushed and the fruits of your labor stolen by those at the top! This is the natural order of things... it's called Survival Of The Fittest, Progressives!

This is why I loathe anyone who calls themselves a "progressive". This hatred envelopes those who are supporters for president of the SOCIALIST (for christ) Bernie Sanders! I mean, if I were to ascend to a great height (in a water tower, for example) with my high-powered rifle to assassinate anyone, it might be this advocator of jealously and greed!

If Bernie Sanders were to (somehow) be elected president, that is. I think I'd give some serious consideration to becoming a presidential assassin. I'd at least like to murder as many as his supporters as possible, if I could think of a way to do so without getting caught.

Any suggestions?

Picture Explanation: A picture of me, Willis Hart (circa 1985). Is this strikingly handsome stud potential water tower material?

Byline: This introspective commentary was authored by Willis "I Love Strawmen" Hart. Purveyor of introspection. LLIN-183.

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